Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Camden, Camden, Camden...

This kid keeps us busy and laughing. A couple of quotes:

Camden: "Mom, I'm really, really sorry for when I cut things that weren't paper."

Me: "Okay, just don't do it again."

Camden: "I will do it again, but I'll be really, really sorry about it."
(that's called premeditation sweetheart!)

About Reagan: "Mom, her mouth is getting covered up by the food in her cheeks!"

Also about "little" Reagan: "Mom, I think Reagan has a baby in her tummy too!" (I hope when you say "too" you mean that you still think you have a baby in your tummy and your not referring to me!)

"Mom, we can't flush my poop down the hole in the toilet because next time I'm going to poop that one's mom and I don't want them to be sad because they're not in there together."

Friday, March 5, 2010

One of these things is not like the other

Get in touch with your inner Sesame Street character and sing with me.:

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,

Can you tell which things is not like the others,
By the time I finish my song?

Three of these kids belong together

Three of these kids are kind of the same
But one of these kids is doing her own thing

Now it's time to play our game.
It's time to play our game!

***Actually she does totally just turns out I (tiffany) was able to actually sneak a little genetic material of my own into little miss Reagan! It is pretty strange to look at one of my babies and see blue eyes! Her head shape, nose, and eyes are completely different than the other three. Her mouth looks look Ainsley's mouth which is different from the boys. I always said I wanted our babies to "match" - Andrew's Dad and sister both have red hair- and it is beautiful, but I was worried that I would end up with a couple of brown haired kids and then have one with red hair that would look like they didn't belong because neither parent has red hair It didn't even occur to me there was a third option! The pictures are all at 3 months, the order of the pictures is Hudson, Ainsley, Camden, and then Reagan.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A weekend with dad

The Cornerstone Ladies's Getaway this weekend meant that there were a whole lot of kids home with daddies this weekend. My sweet husband documented dinner at the Libey's house with lots of them on Saturday night. He used this video for the opening at church on Sunday morning. I just want to point out that although it is my son who first jumped in the bag of popcorn, none of my children had anything to do with lighting the backyard on fire.

Daddy Weekend (By Andrew Pate) from Barry Arnold on Vimeo.