Tonight I tucked in a seven year old. When did you get this old and this big? Where has my little girl gone?
Seven years ago tonight you were this tiny little bundle and grandma Seaquist was trying to get a teeny little bow to stick in your hair. Tonight you came home from another child's birthday party (By the way, nice work getting invited to a party after only being in school with these kids for 4 weeks. You continue to amaze us at how well you have made the transition to a new school.) you took a shower all by yourself, combed out your own hair, and got all ready for bed. Then you plopped down, so excited to open up your new Barbies and watch the movie you have been dying to watch, High School Musical.
How things have changed in seven years. One thing that hasn't changed is that you have never played with toys much, although you think you need them. As a little kid all you did was get toys out and carry them around. For the past three birthday's you have asked for Barbies, we get them for you, and you don't play with them after the 15th. You like books, art supplies, and now that I think about it Legos. That is what we probably should have gotten you. This might be the year you start to play with dolls, or maybe next year either will learn to ask for something you will actually play with, or we will learn and not get more Barbies that are destined to be abandoned.
Your daddy totally freaked me out today by mentioning that we have had you for seven years, and seven years from now you will be getting ready to be a freshman in high school. With as fast as these years have gone that feels like it could be next week.
We have lots to do in the next seven years. But the last seven sure have been fun. Getting to know the little person that God created has been so wonderful. You are so kind, compassionate, silly, loving, and sometimes pretty stubborn. Of the past seven years we have spent five and a half dealing with clothes, food, and your hair. Happily these have gotten easier over time. This gives me hope that your teenage years won't be spent fighting these same battles. I can dream.
This past year has been so special. You and Hudson play and play together.I couldn't ask for a better brother/sister relationship for you. It kills him that you go to school all day. You are the center of his world. You are also wonderful with Camden. You make him laugh and love to play with him. You are also a little mommy to him. You watch out for him and help so much. You are really great with younger children.
Changing from kindergarten to first grade this year has been so fun for you. Going to school all day wasn't a problem for you at all, although Hudson and I miss you terribly during the day. We have been blessed by not one, but two amazing first grade teachers, Mrs. Taylor at Kelly Creek, then Mr. Coburn at Deep Creek. Moving to a new house and new school went really well for you. Occasionally you mention something about our old house and old school, but you have made the change so well.
Last night to celebrate your birthday Lauren spent the night. Lauren, you and Hudson played in dirt so long last night that I almost had to get a brillo pad to clean you with. Then at church today during the singing, you and Lauren danced together. It was so cute, the dirt and the dancing showing me the little girl that you still are. Then as we were driving home the two of you were playing with the toy makeup showing the big girl your so wanting to become.
One part of me wants you to just stay little forever because I have loved this little kid stage of life. But it is so wonderful getting to know you as you grow up. Watching God work in your life and create you into a person that reflects his Glory is more of a blessing that I could have never imagined seven years ago.
You asked Jesus into your heart when you were four, and I know that God will continue His good work in you. I pray that God will instill in you a soul that craves God and clings passionately to Him.
Ainsley, you are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10) and I am so blessed to be your mom. Happy 7th birthday. I love you.
Painting with Lauren for your birthdy:

1 comment:
Oh, this was so sweet. What a wonderful girl you have. And... so strange and scary to think that in 7 more years she'll be in high school. I know I'm nowhere near ready for that with my own children. I guess by that time we will be.
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