Monday, June 13, 2011


Camden found his new calling. Hours and hours of pounding nails. I'm quite sure these two boards won't be coming apart any time soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

70 is the new 90

Degrees that is. This spring has been so wet and cold I think it has re-set our kids perceptions of hot and cold -not mine- I'm fully aware of how cold it is. On Thursday morning when we finally had a mildly warm day Camden was outside running in the sprinkler before 8:00 am. Crazy. Not surprising however. He told me at one point, "it is so hot here it is like a desert." Uhh... no. I think there are still rain puddles in our front yard dear. We are more like a rain forest. Anyway, on to the photo proof of their craziness:
This was the early morning sprinkler time:
Later that afternoon Hudson came home and helped Camden set up the slip and slide. The temperature had easily climbed all the way up to 70 by then.
Warming up on the warm patio.

Hopefully we will see some more sun so we can see more things like this~