Fast forward to last week. She came to me and asked when we were getting the valentines out. She then said she thought she maybe wanted different valentines than the HSM ones. I asked her if she didn't like the HSM ones, and she said they were okay, but she thought maybe she was getting to old for High School Musical and she really wanted puppy ones. (does that make any sense?) Anyway, I decided it wasn't the few dollars that another box would cost, it was sort of the principle of buying other ones.
So after I thought about it for a little bit this was our conversation:
Me: Ains, I'm happy to drive you to any store you want to buy new valentines, but since I already bought one box I'm going to let you pay for the next box.
Ainsley: (without even hesitating for a second) Oh okay, then I'm going to be just fine with the High School Musical ones.
Funny how spending your own money on something changes the priorities a bit.