Sunday, April 3, 2011

Camden's future pursuits

The following is from Friday- but I had to wait to post it until Sunday after Andrew used it in the church opening.

Camden, Reagan, and I went on a walk this morning. (YEAH NO RAIN-So far I love you April!) This was one of my favorite Camden conversations ever. I came home and gave both kids granola bars right away so I could do the best job possible of writing it word for word. Precious. And we have some work to do, but pretty much at 4 he is wrestling with what we all struggle with- earthly pleasure vs. Heavenly rewards.

C: All my friends are going to preschool (lamenting there was no one to play with on Friday morning.)

Me: Won’t it be fun next year when you go to preschool?

C: No, I don’t think I can handle it.

Me: Why not?

C: Because I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up yet, so I don’t think I can handle preschool or college.

Me: Honey, you don’t have to know what your going to do when you grow up for a long time, certainly not in preschool.

C: Oh. What does a Missionary do?

Me: They tell people about Jesus, remember? We’ve read about missionaries.

C: I want to do the thing that makes the most money and Hudson says that missionaries don’t make the most money. But I know that they get the most awards in Heaven. I want to do the thing that makes the most money and gets the most awards in Heaven.

Me: REwards in Heaven are much more important than making the most money sweetheart. Heaven’s rewards last for eternity, money on earth only lasts a little while.

C: I want them both.


Anonymous said...

I love all your kids equally, but THAT ONE, he really cracks me up! :0) Thanks for sharing. Heather

Traci said...

Will you let me know if Camden comes up with a way to do both? If anyone can I bet he's the one to do it! :-)