Friday, March 27, 2009

Ensuring there will be plenty of future blog material.

In case you can't see the little + in both of those tests, or if you haven't read a cheap pregnancy test lately, both of those little tests mean that Camden will no longer be the baby in our family come November. (Hooray for us that we figured out how to not have another baby in December...but just barely.) And actually it is Andrew who is neurotic enough to make me take not one, but two tests.

I had a few other possible titles for this entry:

Blessing #4

Pate Party of SIX

One last shot at a quiet, calm, compliant child

Proof that we are crazy

When all is said and done, it will be a decade of diapers.

The LAST one.

Did I really just upload a picture of something I peed on?


Greg and Andrea said...

Oh my goodness! I thought you said you were done. I should have guessed, though, from your "25 random things" note on Facebook and all the baby references. Congratulations!!!
BTY, this is good for my case for four. :)

Ellie said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet the little boy or girl. :)

Jenne said...

Four is an adventure - but its great. (Most days!)

The Miller Family said...

Congratulations! What FUN news!

Ally said...

Crazy and brave, that's what you are. Congratulations!

Megan said...

Congratulations Pate family! I hope you are feeling good and able to rest a little in these first months of pregnancy. Take care!

Wilson Family said...

Yeah!! Congrats!! How exciting for you guys!

Wilson Family said...

Yeah!! Congrats!! How exciting for you guys!

Tricia Swift said...

oh what great news! congrats to you all.

Eric 'n Leah said...

Ooohh, we're so excited to hear the names that are in the running. You always have a great list Tiffany!
:-) Congrats!

Mars said...

Oh my gosh - congratulations! Going right along with Cornerstone's theme of "really big families"!!! :)

Dianna said...

Holy Buckets! (in the words of an Milton-Freewater person)...are you kidding. I remember asking you such a question, and I believe the answer was leading to NO. I am so excited for you more for Christmas morning! Yeah! Corey just shook his head and said "Great, now I'm going to get pressured". I'm ready for #2 but we are waiting for the house to get further along. I said, hey if we got pregnant soon, the cousions would be near the same age. He didn't go for that either.

I am so happy for you. I hope the pregnancy goes well.