Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is a long set up for a one liner from Ainsley, but your reading this blog so you must be trying to kill some time so here goes:

We went to a check up for Hudson's ears and I had to take all the kids. It was at Providence, so we started with a 40 minute car ride. Then we spend less than 60 seconds, no kidding, in the waiting room. Silly me, I thought this was a good thing. If only they would have left us in the waiting room, it had toys and books, and was big. They put us, all four, back in a little windowless room. I figure the room was about 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 because I know I couldn't have laid down in it without hitting my head. This room contained a small seat, the doctors rolling stool, a really big reclining patient chair with lots of lights, a sink with a cabinet underneath, two different garbage cans, and a rolling cart with instruments and 16 drawers. Also- the FOUR of us were in this room. The room didn't even have a swinging door, it was a pocket door because there was no where for a swinging door to open. So, really fun to be in a room where you can't let the kids touch anything, they are literally on top of each other, and silly me, we went through the books and snacks I had brought in the first 10 minutes of the torture chamber.It ended up being 23 minutes in this little place before we finally saw the doctor for our less than two minute consultation with him. When we were on minute 16 (which may not seem that long to you, but I seriously aged 3 years in that 16 minutes) I decided to let the boys finally touch the kleenex dispenser that they were fascinated with because it was mounted on the wall. I hate tissue boxes so we never have them in our house, so it is just magic to them how the tissues keep popping up after you take one. To add to the fun, the garbage can under the box had a foot pedal! Both boys sinuses should be cleaned out for the next 6 months with the amount of nose blowing they did. After 5 minutes and about half the box of kleenex (I should wait and post this on earth day) I pulled the plug on this activity. At that moment Ainsley quits reading the book she has brought (bless her for sitting quietly the whole time) and says, "Don't worry mom, I just looked around and I don't see any security cameras in here, so hopefully they won't charge us for all the tissues."


tlc said...

Oh wow! I can totally feel your pain. As if you feel better served being shoved into a small room with three kids. Been there!!! As for Ainsley...it's scary how young they start thinking like us!

Ellie said...

Wow, a garbage can with a foot pedal?! (I always liked those ones...) : )

Tennille said...

At least you didn't have to play "I Spy" for 35 minutes in the doctor's office. I did that once and vowed never to do that again. I now hate hate hate that game. And once again, kleenexs are for your nose, toilet paper is for something else...I love you!

Jenne said...

Oh, Ainsley. You are the best. And Tiffany, I imagine you already cased out the joint.

Anonymous said...

She never ceases to crack me up!!!!!!!! I love her! Heather

Pate Family said...

Tennille- If I had to play I spy all I would have been able to say was, "I see another something shiny and interesting looking that you can't touch." Good times.

Ally said...

Hilarious (Ainsley's comment, not the whole experience). Waiting with the kids in a small doctor's waiting room is sheer torture, and one of the reasons why I put off going to the doctor if it's for myself.