Friday, December 21, 2007

Not one of my better parenting moments

So this is how my Wednesday went. Spend most of the day making cinnamon roll wreaths for "neighbor" type gifts. My happy little baking day with my kids took a turn for the worst when the animal that lives with us (that I refer to as the stupid dog) managed to get not one, but two of the wreaths and ruin them. Do you know how long they take to make??? I'm not really someone who has much of a temper, but one suddenly appeared at that moment, and in front of my tender hearted daughter I "gently" put the dog outside while saying something to the effect of "your never coming inside again, you can rot out there for all I care." Look at the title- I already admitted this was not one of my best parenting moments okay? This sent Ainsley to her room crying and yelling at me that I'm being mean to Cammie. So now I'm mad at the stupid dog for ruining my cinnamon rolls and making Ainsley flip out. I continued to make really sound parenting decisions when I went to go and talk to Ainsley my talk was listing for her all the families we know that used to have dogs before they had kids, then got rid of them because it is too hard to have an inside dog when you have little kids. My point was at least I haven't gotten rid of Cammie (only because her father won't let me, but I omitted that detail- I'm being honest with the Internet, selective honesty with my daughter). In hindsight that may have not been the best route to go. Unfortunately I can't even claim that I just blurted it out, I talked to Heather on the phone about it before I talked to Ainsley and she advised me not to say that. Sadly I didn't listen. The result is Ainsley is on a crusade making posters to put all over her room that say, "I love dogs." What I have done here is probably set her up to someday become a veterinarian. Which will be a real problem for me because a couple of weeks ago when I had to take stupid dog to the vet it was all I could do to not throw up right there in the office it smells so bad. I'll never be able to visit her at work. I'm also not paying for college for that either. Anyway- Ainsley and I are all fine now. I was almost back to my normal state of tolerance with Cammie until yesterday when we came home from a cookie decorating party and Cammie proceeded to eat Hudson's plate of cookies. The good news is I learned from my mistake the day before...


redheadedmama said...

Oh Tiffany! We have one of those dogs too. I saw isaac kick at her with his foot the other day while yelling "Bogey Git!" Wonder where he learned that. She eats anything she can get, and at this moment has her tongue in the baby food jar that I mistakenly left on the kitchen table. Our husbands are alike and I guess we can only learn to teach our kids how to run fast with their food! :-)

Anonymous said...

Is this the appropriate time for an, "I told you so!" :-) Just kidding. Glad all is better now! And sorry Ainsley.... I'm with your mom on this one!

Barry Arnold said...

I'm with the dog -- and Ainsley -- but I sure love your family stories.

Ally said...

Oh my goodness, I'm just laughing out loud. Stupid dog. And Ainsley's posters! Too funny, and cute!

Okay, now I'm cutting myself off from your blog for the night or else I'll end up spending the next 2 hours reading it. Gotta go take down our Christmas tree.