Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We'll work on hospitality

Hudson: I'm NEVER having my friends over to play again.

Mom: Did you not have fun?

Hudson: Yes. But from now on I'm only going to their house. They can never come here again.

Mom: Why?

Hudson: 'Cause when they're here it just gets all messy and then I have to clean my room before they come and then clean it up when they leave. So I'm just going there to mess up their house now.

Hurry and invite Hudson over soon, I'm sure his social calendar is going to fill up fast with that attitude.


Jenne said...

don't worry. children in my household have expressed the same sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Just tell him to do what Zech does - put an "open" or "closed" sign on his door - depending on what kind of mood he is in. My favorite is when Zech says - "Today my room is a museum - nobody can touch anything!"